During periods of high wind, it is advisable to place a bungee cord over the lid of both the trash and recycle bins to keep them in place. Additionally, placing the hinge part of the bin toward the prevailing wind will help keep the lid from lifting. This can greatly reduce the amount of trash flying in the wind.
Bagging your trash before placing it into your toter helps reduce loose trash blowing around the neighborhood. When you do not bag your trash and place loose items into the toters, the trash gets blown throughout the neighborhood on windy days. Please make sure to use trash bags to contain the trash that you place into your toter. Help keep Pine Creek looking good!
If you want to help your trash and recycling containers find their way home after a wind event - mark your name and phone number on them. You can use paint pens (more permanent) or duct tape and magic marker (temporary) - and to make it last longer - do it inside the lid where the info will stay dry. If you find a container in your yard - check for return info.
Bagging your trash before placing it into your toter helps reduce loose trash blowing around the neighborhood. When you do not bag your trash and place loose items into the toters, the trash gets blown throughout the neighborhood on windy days. Please make sure to use trash bags to contain the trash that you place into your toter. Help keep Pine Creek looking good!
If you want to help your trash and recycling containers find their way home after a wind event - mark your name and phone number on them. You can use paint pens (more permanent) or duct tape and magic marker (temporary) - and to make it last longer - do it inside the lid where the info will stay dry. If you find a container in your yard - check for return info.