- Aerosol Cans
- Art Supplies
- Batteries
- Glasses
- Gym Clothes
- Laptops
- Medications
- Important Documents
- Plastic Water Bottles
- Sunscreen
- Wine
Your car can be handy for storing items you need on the go, but it’s important to balance convenience with common sense. Using your car as a storage space may increase the risk of damage to valuable items and the car itself. After you make sure that you have your essentials, be careful that you aren’t storing any of these things in your car.
The Colorado Springs Police Department has data hub to allow the community to easily access police data. You can check it out at http://policedata.coloradosprings.gov
The Hammersmith Colorado Springs Office will close due to snowfall if District 20 also closes. If snowfall or frigid temperatures cause the office to close, a broadcast email will be sent to all residents of Pine Creek to notify them. Please check the homeowner portal for updates
If your space feels a little cramped, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need more square footage.
There are minor design and decor choices that can make rooms look and feel larger — and you don’t have to spend much to achieve this illusion. Are you planning to revamp your place or get your house ready to sell? Here are five ways you can make any room in your home feel more spacious.
Even though landscape plants are dormant and brown, they should be watered periodically.
When to water
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