Your assessment is the monthly amount you pay to support the Association's budget. The Association spends money on grounds maintenance, management, various community activities and more. The Association's financials are available to all PCVA residents. Visit the "Documents" link at the top of this page and used the drop down to find the "Financials" page. You must have the PCVA.ORG password (not the same as your eHammersmith account password). If you do not know the PCVA.ORG password, please contact Hammersmith at [email protected] or 719-389-0700 if you have any difficulty logging in.
Q: How is the amount of my assessment determined?
A: The Board of Directors, in close collaboration with the management company, develops an annual budget based on historical expenditures, expected future expenditures, and planned contributions to operating and capital reserves. The reserves are necessary to pay for major expenditures that can't be expected to be paid from monthly operating capital. The assessments are calculated based on the planned budget for the upcoming year. The board works hard to maximize services and minimize assessments.
Q: What happens if I don't pay my assessment?
A: The Association relies on the timely payment of assessments to pay for current expenses. The CC&R's allow the Association to charge late charges and interest and proceed with a lien on your property, or foreclosure proceedings for nonpayment of assessments. Please pay your assessments on time. If you are having problems, please contact [email protected] or 719-389-0700.
Q: How is the amount of my assessment determined?
A: The Board of Directors, in close collaboration with the management company, develops an annual budget based on historical expenditures, expected future expenditures, and planned contributions to operating and capital reserves. The reserves are necessary to pay for major expenditures that can't be expected to be paid from monthly operating capital. The assessments are calculated based on the planned budget for the upcoming year. The board works hard to maximize services and minimize assessments.
Q: What happens if I don't pay my assessment?
A: The Association relies on the timely payment of assessments to pay for current expenses. The CC&R's allow the Association to charge late charges and interest and proceed with a lien on your property, or foreclosure proceedings for nonpayment of assessments. Please pay your assessments on time. If you are having problems, please contact [email protected] or 719-389-0700.